I am a lifelong resident of New Haven, Connecticut, with a Bachelor of Science degree in Education and extensive experience in community work. I am a cradle Episcopalian and a member of St. Luke’s New Haven, Connecticut. I have been associated with the Girls Friendly Society (GFS) for 67 years and have held various positions at the Branch, Diocesan, and National levels. As a former GFS G3 and Summer Opportunity Youth, I have spent several years serving the GFS ministry. I am proud to have served as GFS/USA National President and am currently serving as the Director of Service and Program. The values I learned as a GFSer have been an integral part of my life, and I firmly believe that helping one person at a time, in any way possible, can make a significant difference. With faith In God, anything is possible through Christ. This is what I learned in a faith-based community like the Girls’ Friendly Society.